So what does it really mean?

You're a powerhouse of creativity and endless possibilities, but turning those brilliant ideas into a money-making reality has been a bit of a challenge, huh? You've dabbled in various businesses, leaving behind a collection of unused domain names and a few exasperated clients. 

You know that love-hate relationship you have with money? t's actually a sign of your appreciation for the good it can do in the world, even though you resent its importance. What if I told you there's a way to channel your innovative spirit into a thriving, purpose-driven business that not only lights up your soul but also fills your bank account? Oh, yes - it's totally possible!

Here's a little secret: money itself doesn't have the power to corrupt – it's all about the people behind it. Always remember, money doesn't rule you – you rule money. So, let's turn those brilliant ideas into wealth that empowers you to make an even bigger difference in the world!


Your brilliant mind is overflowing with ideas, solutions, and endless possibilities, making you an unstoppable force of creativity and innovation. You have the remarkable ability to find magic in the most unexpected places, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary! Your idealistic and optimistic outlook on money makes you a magnet for abundance and prosperity. 

Your magical way of thinking is contagious, inspiring those around you to believe in their own dreams and potential. You're a cheerleader for others, celebrating their success and empowering them to reach new levels of success. 

Your strengths lie in your powerful will and your unwavering commitment to creating a better future for all, transforming challenges into opportunities and channeling your unique gifts for the greater good.


Ready to uncover the challenges of your Alchemist archetype? 

You might find yourself judging or resenting successful people, which can hinder your own development and growth. When you depend on others for financial support, you may feel limited and restricted in your potential. 

Boredom can lead to feeling flaky or unreliable, impacting your ability to see projects through to completion. Shiny object syndrome can be a major distraction for you, preventing you from making real progress on your dreams and aspirations. 

Rebelling against mainstream or uninspiring ideas can sometimes leave you feeling stuck or directionless. Sometimes you feel frustrated when faced with self-doubt and uncertainty about your unique purpose in life. 

Acknowledging these challenges is a courageous act, and it's the first step towards growth and transformation. Remember, you have the power to flip the script and turn these hurdles into opportunities for success. As an Alchemist, you possess the magical ability to create change and manifest your dreams. So, let's embark on this journey and unlock the full potential of your inner idealist! 

Hello  there!


Hi, I'm Minh Pham-Costello

I'm on a mission to help women unlock their full financial potential and live a life of abundance, freedom and joy.

As a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived in the US with nothing but a suitcase, a few words of broken English, and a dream, most people looked at me and thought my success was impossible. I refused to let my challenges define me.

Instead, I took small steps towards my dreams and nurtured a fierce belief in myself. Through the power of resilience, determination and dedication, by the age of 27, I was earning a six-figure income; and by 34, I had become a self-made millionaire.

With a unique blend of practical financial expertise, money mindset mastery, and a genuine passion for empowering other women, I've developed a coaching approach that taps into your personal Money Archetype, helping you leverage your strengths, break through barriers and achieve your financial dreams.

With so many ideas, it's essential to narrow down your focus and prioritize the most viable and impactful ones. Take time to evaluate your ideas, considering factors like market demand, feasibility, and alignment with your values and passions. Choose one or two ideas that resonate the most, and commit to seeing them through to completion.

To bring your chosen ideas to life, create a detailed action plan with specific, achievable goals and deadlines. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and establish a timeline for each step. This will help you stay on track, maintain momentum, and measure your progress along the way.

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and mentors who can offer guidance, encouragement, and accountability. Collaborate with others who possess complementary skills, and consider outsourcing tasks that fall outside your area of expertise. By leveraging the strengths of others, you'll be more likely to stay focused, overcome challenges, and achieve success in your career or business.
By following these steps, you can harness your Alchemist strengths, turn your brilliant ideas into reality, and create financial success while making a positive impact on the world. Remember, your creative genius holds the power to transform lives and inspire change – so embrace your potential and let your inner Alchemist shine!

  • You can treat yourself to a 60-minute personalized session with me that weaves together the influences of your top three archetypes.

  • We will do a deep dive in critical areas of your personal life and career or business to identify the key shifts needed for you to step in a world of abundance, freedom and joy. 

  • You'll also receive a Money Archetype Activation Guide, packed with your strengths, challenges, sacred money contract, sacred money destiny, money mindset mantra, journal prompts, and empowering words. 

  • Together, we'll explore how to leverage your strengths, tackle potential challenges, and keep the shadow sides of your archetypes from sneaking in and sabotaging your success.

Book a Call RIGHT NOW!

Personalized Money Archetype Reading ($197)

Alright, my lovely friend!
Now that you've uncovered your top Money Archetype, I'm inviting you to kick things up a notch and book a Personalized Money Archetype Reading with me.

  • You can treat yourself to a 60-minute personalized session with me that weaves together the influences of your top three archetypes.

  • We will do a deep dive in critical areas of your personal life and career or business to identify the key shifts needed for you to step in a world of abundance, freedom and joy. 

  • You'll also receive a Money Archetype Activation Guide, packed with your strengths, challenges, sacred money contract, sacred money destiny, money mindset mantra, journal prompts, and empowering words. 

  • Together, we'll explore how to leverage your strengths, tackle potential challenges, and keep the shadow sides of your archetypes from sneaking in and sabotaging your success.