So what does it really mean?

Your unshakable faith and optimism that money will always flow your way keeps financial stress at a minimum. But wait a sec! This same sweet belief in being taken care of could be the very thing stopping you from achieving financial independence or trusting your own instincts with money matters.

Your trusting nature may also attract individuals who are co-dependent or occasionally unscrupulous, taking advantage of your kindness. The Connector's true power lies in your ability to unite people and solutions, but you may resist this path for fear of being inauthentic.

Embrace your relationship with money, and you'll remain uncorrupted while making a profound impact on the world.


 You are the magnetic force that unites people, tapping into their extraordinary abilities to create rock-solid relationships and turn challenges into golden opportunities. With a heart full of trust, innocence, and resilience, you effortlessly build bridges and ease tensions, setting the stage for harmony and teamwork.

Generously sharing solutions and referrals, you are resourceful and adept at bringing people together and sparking synergy. Driven by kindness and inclusivity, you cultivate a sense of belonging and trust among the most diverse groups, empowering everyone to rise together.

Your unwavering faith and optimism in overcoming financial obstacles fuel your relentless pursuit of success and growth. You are the catalysts for change, weaving a tapestry of unity and progress that uplifts individuals, organizations, and communities alike.


Sometimes life can feel like a rollercoaster of indecision and fence-sitting, especially when it comes to finances. But don't let that hold you back from your fabulous potential!

Lacking financial independence and having blurred boundaries with colleagues or clients can be exhausting, and that intense FOMO and hurt feelings? No fun at all. But remember, you've got the power to overcome these challenges. As for attracting co-dependent people and clients, it's time to set healthy boundaries and surround yourself with those who uplift and empower you.

Feeling overwhelmed by financial details is totally normal, but don't let it define you. And while it's easy to judge others' prices and income, focus on your own journey instead.

Stay fabulous, my friend, and remember: You've got what it takes to conquer these challenges and create a life and career/business you truly love.

Hello  there!


Hi, I'm Minh Pham-Costello

I'm on a mission to help women unlock their full financial potential and live a life of abundance, freedom and joy.

As a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived in the US with nothing but a suitcase, a few words of broken English, and a dream, most people looked at me and thought my success was impossible. I refused to let my challenges define me.

Instead, I took small steps towards my dreams and nurtured a fierce belief in myself. Through the power of resilience, determination and dedication, by the age of 27, I was earning a six-figure income; and by 34, I had become a self-made millionaire.

With a unique blend of practical financial expertise, money mindset mastery, and a genuine passion for empowering other women, I've developed a coaching approach that taps into your personal Money Archetype, helping you leverage your strengths, break through barriers and achieve your financial dreams.

Darling, it's time to create healthy boundaries with clients and friends, so you can charge for your expertise without guilt or hesitation. Remember, saying "no" doesn't make you a bad person; it means you're honoring your worth and creating space for even more amazing opportunities. Plus, when you set boundaries, you're teaching others how to treat you with respect and appreciation. 

You're a superstar, and it's time to recognize the immense value you bring to the table. Confidently communicate your awesomeness to others, and never forget that you deserve to be compensated for your incredible talents! When you embrace your worth, the world takes notice - and so will your bank account. 

Channel your natural networking skills to seek out mentors or resources that'll help you grow both personally and professionally. Think of it as an investment in your future fabulous self! The more you invest in your growth, the more you'll attract abundance and success.

So go ahead, treat yourself to that course or coaching session, and watch your world transform! And remember, when you invest in yourself, you're also investing in the lives of those you touch with your unique gifts and talents. Keep growing, and keep making a difference!

  • You can treat yourself to a 60-minute personalized session with me that weaves together the influences of your top three archetypes.

  • We will do a deep dive in critical areas of your personal life and career or business to identify the key shifts needed for you to step in a world of abundance, freedom and joy. 

  • You'll also receive a Money Archetype Activation Guide, packed with your strengths, challenges, sacred money contract, sacred money destiny, money mindset mantra, journal prompts, and empowering words. 

  • Together, we'll explore how to leverage your strengths, tackle potential challenges, and keep the shadow sides of your archetypes from sneaking in and sabotaging your success.

Book a Call RIGHT NOW!

Personalized Money Archetype Reading 

Alright, my lovely friend!
Now that you've uncovered your top Money Archetype, I'm inviting you to kick things up a notch and book a Personalized Money Archetype Reading with me.