So what does it really mean?

As a Maverick, you are a visionary futurist with bold and creative ideas. You're unafraid to challenge the status quo and forge your own path. But beware, darling - sometimes your fiery spirit can burn down your career or business, even when it's thriving.
Balance and stability aren't exactly your jam, which can leave you riding the rollercoaster of feast or famine. This thrill-seeking nature might lead to an unpredictable financial journey.

You might even push away money or rebel against tried-and-true business strategies that could propel you forward. After all, you love rising from the ashes like a fabulous phoenix, ready to take on the world once more.

But guess what, gorgeous? You don't have to choose between freedom and money. You can have both! Discover the art of balancing risk with stability, and you'll unlock the secret to a thriving, sustainable business that allows you to make a lasting impact. Keep shining, you unstoppable force!


You're a true underdog champion with out-of-this-world, unique ideas that leave others in awe. Your bold risks and swift actions inspire everyone around you to step up their game.
Complex, uncommon, or intricate business strategies? No problem! You handle them effortlessly. Your clever, flamboyant, and charismatic presence lights up the room and leaves a lasting impression.
Embrace your trailblazing spirit and continue to push the boundaries of what's possible. Remember, your fearless approach and unwavering determination are what make you a force to be reckoned with. So, keep shining, superstar, and let your brilliance lead the way!


Let’s talk about some of the challenges of the Maverick money archetype.
Feeling self-righteous and judgmental at times, my friend? Remember – nobody's perfect. You might even have secrecy or potential deception tendency. And iImpulsive actions may lead to regrets, but it's all part of the learning process.

Your prone to boredom can result in metaphorically burning things down even when they are working. It's just that fiery spirit within you is constantly seeking a new adventure. Quick to criticize without all the details, but hey, we all have our moments, right?

Your risk-taking can sometimes turn to reckless gambling, so it's essential to channel that daring energy into calculated, strategic moves. Embrace your bold nature, but remember to pause, reflect, and make informed decisions, gorgeous!

Hello there!


Hi, I'm Minh Pham-Costello

I'm on a mission to help ambitious and high-achieving women unlock their full financial potential and live a life of abundance, freedom and joy.

As a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived in the US with nothing but a suitcase, a few words of broken English, and a dream, most people looked at me and thought my success was impossible. I refused to let my challenges define me.

Instead, I took small steps towards my dreams and nurtured a fierce belief in myself. Through the power of resilience, determination and dedication, by the age of 27, I was earning a six-figure income; and by 34, I had become a self-made millionaire.

With a unique blend of practical financial expertise, money mindset mastery, and a genuine passion for empowering other women, I've developed a coaching approach that taps into your personal Money Archetype, helping you leverage your strengths, break through barriers and achieve your financial dreams.

I know, I know – planning might not be your thing. But trust me, having a clear plan and setting achievable goals can actually give you more freedom while keeping you financially stable. So, let's turn this into something you'll love. Get creative with your short-term, medium-term, and long-term financial goals. Break them down into fun, actionable steps, and celebrate your progress regularly. You'll soon see how this approach keeps you focused, motivated, and free to chase your passions.

You don't have to do this alone. Surround yourself with like-minded people who share your values and aspirations. They'll give you invaluable insights, encouragement, and accountability. Find your tribe by attending networking events, joining online forums, or connecting with mentors and coaches. By having a strong support system, you'll be better equipped to make well-informed decisions and navigate the challenges of your financial journey.

Be open to new ideas, strategies, and techniques that can help you level up your finances, career, or business. Stay curious, invest in personal and professional development, and remember – there's no such thing as failure, just learning experiences!

By adopting a growth mindset, you'll continuously evolve and adapt, ensuring long-term success and financial stability.

Personalized Money Archetype Reading 

Alright, my lovely friend!
Now that you've uncovered your top Money Archetype, I'm inviting you to kick things up a notch and book a Personalized Money Archetype Reading with me.

  • You can treat yourself to a 60-minute personalized session with me that weaves together the influences of your top three archetypes.

  • We will do a deep dive in critical areas of your personal life and career or business to identify the key shifts needed for you to step in a world of abundance, freedom and joy. 

  • You'll also receive a Money Archetype Activation Guide, packed with your strengths, challenges, sacred money contract, sacred money destiny, money mindset mantra, journal prompts, and empowering words. 

  • Together, we'll explore how to leverage your strengths, tackle potential challenges, and keep the shadow sides of your archetypes from sneaking in and sabotaging your success.

Book a Call RIGHT NOW!