So what does it really mean?

You're the spontaneous visionaries and connoisseurs of luxury who inspire everyone around you to savor the present and appreciate life's finer aspects. But sometimes, you might overlook your finances or retirement planning.

As a Romantic, you love using money to enhance your life experiences, and you frequently spend it to increase comfort, delight, and pamper your loved ones. You often treat yourself simply because you feel it's well-deserved!

Now, your affinity for ease and openness can actually become your most significant advantage. Just imagine what could happen if you embraced automation, excelled in delegation, and invested time in generating passive income!

Life is meant to be cherished, and your career or business can serve as the perfect vehicle to fulfill all your aspirations. With a little effort, you can strike a beautiful balance between enjoying life's luxuries and building a solid financial foundation.

So go ahead, Romantics: keep savoring the present, spoiling the ones you love, and remember that with a touch of intention, you can create a wonderful life where dreams flourish and every moment becomes an irresistible celebration of abundance. 


You're the embodiment of abundance, optimism, and beauty. You trust that the Universe is always working in your favor, and this belief fuels your optimism and attracts even more abundance into your life.

Your sunny outlook and belief in endless opportunities create a magnetic energy that draws people and positive experiences towards you. Your optimism is contagious, and you inspire others to dream big and reach for the stars.

Your impeccable taste and eye for style bring beauty to everything you touch. You have a gift for making the world a more gorgeous place, and your flair for aesthetics brightens up everyone's day.

You're a shining example of how to truly love and care for oneself. Your commitment to pleasure and self-care encourages others to treat themselves with kindness and prioritize their own well-being.

Your ability to live in the present and savor every experience is a powerful reminder to others that life is meant to be enjoyed, and the present moment is where the magic happens.

Your knack for spotting opportunities for ease and efficiency is a valuable skill. You effortlessly find ways to simplify tasks and make life more enjoyable, creating more time for the things that truly matter.


While you're busy living life to the fullest and spreading your infectious positivity, it's important to recognize that, like everyone else, you may face some challenges when it comes to money. 

Your love for indulgence and treating yourself can sometimes lead to impulsive spending. Remember, it's essential to strike a balance between enjoying life's luxuries and building a solid financial foundation. Cultivate the art of delayed gratification to make your financial dreams a reality.

You tell yourself that you are not good with money and tend to ignore or avoid financial details. You can give up if things feel too hard or won’t work if the vibes aren't right. Find yourself often get bored or lose interest in ideas? Stay committed to your goals, even when the novelty wears off. Consistency and dedication are the keys to turning your dreams into reality.

While it's essential to enjoy life's finer things, be mindful of your flamboyant, or unnecessary spending habits. Practice discernment and prioritize your financial goals, so you can continue to live a life of abundance and luxury.

Hello there!


Hi, I'm Minh Pham-Costello

I'm on a mission to help ambitious and high-achieving women unlock their full financial potential and live a life of abundance, freedom and joy.

As a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived in the US with nothing but a suitcase, a few words of broken English, and a dream, most people looked at me and thought my success was impossible. I refused to let my challenges define me.

Instead, I took small steps towards my dreams and nurtured a fierce belief in myself. Through the power of resilience, determination and dedication, by the age of 27, I was earning a six-figure income; and by 34, I had become a self-made millionaire.

With a unique blend of practical financial expertise, money mindset mastery, and a genuine passion for empowering other women, I've developed a coaching approach that taps into your personal Money Archetype, helping you leverage your strengths, break through barriers and achieve your financial dreams.

As a Romantic, you cherish life's luxuries and pleasures. Embrace your unique approach to money by creating a budget that prioritizes enjoyment while still covering essentials and savings goals. This way, you can indulge guilt-free and still work towards financial stability and growth.

While you excel at living in the moment, it's essential to plan for the future too. Set long-term financial goals that align with your dreams and desires, such as saving for a dream vacation, investing in your business, or building a comfortable retirement. Break these goals into smaller, achievable milestones to keep yourself motivated and on track.

Your love for ease and spaciousness can be a powerful asset in your financial journey. Explore and invest in passive income opportunities, such as real estate, dividend stocks, or creating digital products. These income streams can help you generate wealth and financial freedom while still enjoying the luxurious lifestyle you adore.

Personalized Money Archetype Reading 

Alright, my lovely friend!
Now that you've uncovered your top Money Archetype, I'm inviting you to kick things up a notch and book a Personalized Money Archetype Reading with me.

  • You can treat yourself to a 60-minute personalized session with me that weaves together the influences of your top three archetypes.

  • We will do a deep dive in critical areas of your personal life and career or business to identify the key shifts needed for you to step in a world of abundance, freedom and joy. 

  • You'll also receive a Money Archetype Activation Guide, packed with your strengths, challenges, sacred money contract, sacred money destiny, money mindset mantra, journal prompts, and empowering words. 

  • Together, we'll explore how to leverage your strengths, tackle potential challenges, and keep the shadow sides of your archetypes from sneaking in and sabotaging your success.

Book a Call RIGHT NOW!