So what does it really mean?

You're the ambitious trailblazers who are always striving for more, pushing yourselves to reach higher financial goals and never quite feeling satisfied. You've got this incredible work ethic that makes you a force to be reckoned with, but sometimes it can lead to burnout. You're juggling ambitious ideas and setting sky-high standards, but it's important to remember that satisfaction and success come from within.

The good news? You're a natural-born leader and innovator! You've got the innate ability to build a colossal empire with ease and grace. So, take a step back, breathe, and trust in your phenomenal skills. You can achieve everything you've ever dreamed of while still taking care of yourself and your team.

So go on, Rulers – keep building those empires, inspiring those around you, and changing the world with your passion and vision. Just remember to embrace your strengths, prioritize self-care, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. 


You're the bold, creative business visionaries who inspire others to take action, and your strong, determined work ethic helps you achieve those "impossible" goals.

Your secret weapon? Your innate ability to innovate with new, exciting ideas and create win-win business empires. You've got this extraordinary talent for monetizing and marketing anything, turning even the simplest ideas into goldmines.

As a Ruler, you're always pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box. Your creative genius and ability to build thriving empires make you a force to be reckoned with in the world of business.

Also, your natural and passionate leadership qualities make people want to follow you, giving you the prestige and reputation you desire. You absolutely love empowering others and enriching lives through your business, thriving on creating, innovating, and building something of lasting value.

Embrace your strengths and trust in your ability to create and innovate. Keep dreaming big, taking bold action, and inspiring others with your passion and vision. And remember, your unstoppable drive and determination are what make you truly unique.


While your ambition and drive are incredible, it's important to address some of the challenges you might encounter along the way. As Rulers, you rarely take the time to celebrate your achievements, often being the perfectionist and setting the bar incredibly high. This can make you hard to please, even when you've accomplished so much. 

You might also find yourself overcommitting to multiple projects and always thinking about future goals, sometimes becoming unrealistic about how much you can get done. This can lead to burnout, as you'd rather push yourself to the limit than quit. 

Lastly, you might feel demotivated without big goals to chase. Sometimes you might fear losing control of your money, power, and identity. You might even hide behind your overachieving ways, ambition, and quest for more, believing that what you're creating now will bring you happiness in the future. While it's great to have ambitious aspirations, it's also important to find joy and motivation in the smaller, everyday victories now.

Hello there!


Hi, I'm Minh Pham-Costello

I'm on a mission to help ambitious and high-achieving women unlock their full financial potential and live a life of abundance, freedom and joy.

As a Vietnamese immigrant who arrived in the US with nothing but a suitcase, a few words of broken English, and a dream, most people looked at me and thought my success was impossible. I refused to let my challenges define me.

Instead, I took small steps towards my dreams and nurtured a fierce belief in myself. Through the power of resilience, determination and dedication, by the age of 27, I was earning a six-figure income; and by 34, I had become a self-made millionaire.

With a unique blend of practical financial expertise, money mindset mastery, and a genuine passion for empowering other women, I've developed a coaching approach that taps into your personal Money Archetype, helping you leverage your strengths, break through barriers and achieve your financial dreams.

As a Ruler, you're always juggling multiple projects and ideas. To level up, start by prioritizing your goals and focusing on the most impactful ones. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks and delegate when necessary. This will help you stay organized, avoid burnout, and make progress more efficiently.

Take the time to celebrate your accomplishments, both big and small. Acknowledging your successes will boost your motivation and help you feel more satisfied. Additionally, practice gratitude daily for the progress you've made, the opportunities you've been given, and the support you've received from your team. This mindset shift will keep you grounded and appreciative of your journey.

To build an empire, invest in yourself and your team. Seek out personal and professional development opportunities, such as workshops, courses, or coaching. Encourage your team to do the same, and create a supportive environment where everyone can grow and thrive together. This investment will pay off in the long run, as you'll have a skilled, motivated team working towards a shared vision.

Personalized Money Archetype Reading 

Alright, my lovely friend!
Now that you've uncovered your top Money Archetype, I'm inviting you to kick things up a notch and book a Personalized Money Archetype Reading with me.

  • You can treat yourself to a 60-minute personalized session with me that weaves together the influences of your top three archetypes.

  • We will do a deep dive in critical areas of your personal life and career or business to identify the key shifts needed for you to step in a world of abundance, freedom and joy. 

  • You'll also receive a Money Archetype Activation Guide, packed with your strengths, challenges, sacred money contract, sacred money destiny, money mindset mantra, journal prompts, and empowering words. 

  • Together, we'll explore how to leverage your strengths, tackle potential challenges, and keep the shadow sides of your archetypes from sneaking in and sabotaging your success.

Book a Call RIGHT NOW!